Cinematographer Feedback & Support


Sequencer Camera Focus

  • updated
  • Under review

I am having trouble with camera focus.

Adjusting manual focus in the setting is easy but,

I'm trying to manually focus on different object in sequencer shot and it's not working well.

any suggestions to how to approach this problem?

  • Under review

Hey, thank you for getting in contact and we are sorry to hear, that you are having problems! 

Could you please give some more information about the problem you are having? 

Is the problem, that the Real Camera is not updating the focus values, when using the sequencer? 

If that’s the case, we will look into a fix. In the meantime you could use a hidden object (Object->Details->Actor Hidden In Game) as focus target (RealCamera->Details>Focus->Focus Method: Tracking) and animate its position in the sequencer.