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Cinematographer with Ultra Dynamic Sky

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Hi, does anyone have any experience on how to set up these two great products together - I have very little experience. Using the Tutorials I was able to set up a standard sky, but it doesn’t work with Ulra Dynamic Sky. At least tell me where to dig?

Thank you

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max dudchenko
  • Answer

Hello, thanks)

The solution turned out to be much simpler - Ultra Dynamic Sky (UDS) has a Sun Light Intensity parameter. Which I, of course, turned up to the maximum - 10 by slider, and this did not lead to a positive result, but I just had to enter the value manually and of course above 10 (I entered 100 and 1000 - 1000 seemed a little brighter to me, but I didn’t notice much difference .) I used the slider, thinking that this was the maximum value, my mistake. After that, even the PPV didn’t have to adjust, UDS picked everything up on its own. Thank you

  • Answered

Hey, glad to hear it! 

Your mentioned values seem maybe a bit low - If you want know the physically correct light values for your lighting condition, please check out the lumines_labs - Physical Light Cheat Sheet!

max dudchenko
  • Answer

Hello, thanks)

The solution turned out to be much simpler - Ultra Dynamic Sky (UDS) has a Sun Light Intensity parameter. Which I, of course, turned up to the maximum - 10 by slider, and this did not lead to a positive result, but I just had to enter the value manually and of course above 10 (I entered 100 and 1000 - 1000 seemed a little brighter to me, but I didn’t notice much difference .) I used the slider, thinking that this was the maximum value, my mistake. After that, even the PPV didn’t have to adjust, UDS picked everything up on its own. Thank you

  • Searching answer

Hey welcome aboard and thank you for getting in touch!

What are the problems you are having? My guess is that the sky is just black? If that’s the case, that would mean, that Ultra Dynamic Sky doesn’t use physically correct light values by default.

My suggestion in that case, would be to ask them, how to enable physically correct light values for your project. Because there is not much that can be done from Cinematographers end to mitigate that, since Cinematographer needs physically correct light values to work, that is kind of the whole idea. 

You can circumvent this by setting the ND Filter (Cinematographer Camera->Details Panel->Configure Shot->Advanced) to a negative value, somewhere around -16, to use the cameras in scenes without physically correct light but again, that defeats the main purpose of Cinematographer and photorealism is no longer given!

I hope they can help you with that and if you find a solution for this, feel free to share your findings with the community!