Cinematographer Feedback & Support


Camera won't assign to First Person Character

  • updated
  • Answered

I followed the tutorial on how to assign to a third person character, but whenever I attempt to assign the camera to a first person character the camera always appears inside of the characters stomach, regardless of where I change the cameras location. I attempted this with both the cine camera actor, and the real camera actor.

I later attempted to use the auto-activate feature instead, but that prevents me from being able to look up or down, which means I can only look left and right with that solution.

I would like for my character to have multiple cameras connected to each other in a parent/child relationship so I can perform multiple view styles with other cameras I've designed, but I can't even get the one camera to work by itself.

  • Answered

Hey welcome aboard and thank you for getting in touch!

I have to admit that we are more coming from a filmic background and don’t have to much experience in creating game systems, so I’m not sure we are able to help in this case. But just to be sure, this is a not specific Cinematographer problem, correct? You encounter the same problem with the default cameras? In this case I would recommend looking for help in the official Unreal Forums or on a Discord Server for Unreal developer. I’m very sorry that I can’t be of more help for you in this case!


Did this ever get figured out? I’m having the exact same issue. 


Hey and thank you for getting in touch!

I’m very sorry that I still can’t be of help in this case. I hope you will find an answer soon!