Cinematographer Feedback & Support


Lens file and real camera actor for virtual production.

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I love this plugin but i got an issue.
I have my camera lens distorsion solved inside UE so i have a LENS FILE that i plug onto my camera by adding a LENS FILE component usually.

For VP i can't afford to have not perfect values about the lens wich is why we find offset of the tracker relative to the center of the lens, and also lens distorsion.

What i found frustrating is that on your blueprint lens you have not enought data to provide (actual distorsion of the lens?) nor you have the possibility to just load a solved lens.
So my question is : 

How can i render my VP shot in sequencer with a real camera actor while not throwing my exact values of distorsion of the lens?
Basically i would just swap out the 2 but it wouldnt be exact.

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Hey, this update was way more involved than expected and thus took quite a lot longer than anticipated.

Real Lenses in version 1.1 now accepts Lens Files and if used, the Real Camera disables the internal less accurate Barrel/Pincushion Distortion.

Sorry for the inconvenience and if you encounter any hiccups please let me know!


Hey, thank you for getting in contact! 

We think we understand what you want to do and will provide support for lens calibration in RealLenses. Since we don’t have a calibrated Lens File at hand, could you upload the Lens File you want to use or send it to A real life file like this would help us assure that our feature update works correctly and does not collide with any other functionality.

Our current plan would to be, to include a Lens File slot in the RealLenses. If a file is set, we will disable all of our distortion, so that only the calibrated Lens File drives distortion. This can be saved in the RealLens and will be used on per lens bases, which then allows on the fly switching of lenses on the camera with always the lens specific Lens File. Do you think this will solve your problem?

Again, thanks for bringing this up and we hope to have an update soon!

pablo jouglens

Hi, i sent the lens file by mail :)
" Do you think this will solve your problem?"
If you'r able to do that, not only it will solve my problem but i'm kinda sure most of the VP enthusiast will start using your plugin.
Lens solve is crucial for VP and adding a lens slot will make your plugin usable for VP.
Thanks a lot for the quick answer and wish you the best.

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Thank you for sending us the file and thank you for the feedback on the planned implementation! 

We will start to develop this feature right now but this could take a bit to implement, since it affects a lot of the codebase. To ensure that it works not only correct but also does not interfere with any of the existing code we have to work thorough and test a lot. 

A realistic estimation would be around 2-4 weeks before we are able to release an update. We will keep you updated in this thread. 

Again, thank you for bringing this up, we hope to have everything ready soon!


Hey, since we are currently fighting near constant crashes of the Unreal Editor we can’t keep our estimated schedule. This seems to be a known problem but it doesn’t look like there is a fix yet. We are still determined to implement this feature but it will take more time until Unreal is usable again from our end. Sorry for the delay we will keep you updated on the progress.

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Hey, this update was way more involved than expected and thus took quite a lot longer than anticipated.

Real Lenses in version 1.1 now accepts Lens Files and if used, the Real Camera disables the internal less accurate Barrel/Pincushion Distortion.

Sorry for the inconvenience and if you encounter any hiccups please let me know!