Cinematographer Feedback & Support


Incorrect information regarding UE5 Preview and Early Access Installation

  • updated
  • Answered

As your plugin is only officially supported by 4.27, that is where it is installed as a plugin. When I place your plugin in 5EA/plugins/marketplace, the first prompt for recompiling is the same. After that is a new message regarding two modules being missing: Cinematographer, CinematographerEditor, that the cannot be compiled at runtime and I should build through my IDE. So, it is visible, i can enable the plugin, but its broken in 5EA.

When I follow your directions by copying from 4.27 (because this is where it installs) and adding to my newly created plugins folder in 5EA, nothing happens. Nada.

However, when I do this with 5 Preview-placing your plugin in a new plugins folder in the root directory,  the first prompt about recompiling shows up, but then there is a second regarding the same two modules being missing and asking if i'd like them to be rebuilt. After selecting 'yes', the prompt immediately says that my project cannot be compiled and that I should try rebuilding through source manually. I have tried this with a new project and an existing project on 4.27/5EA/5P. Only works in 4.27. That you got it to install to 5EA out of the box is a surprise to me, likely because you authored it.

I know this s not officially supported for 5.0 Preview, so please DO NOT create incorrect instructions for installing something. You waste people's time and make yourself less credible.  Looking forward to using this in 5 Preview!

in 4.27, which I can only vouch for, this is a fantastic camera. Like, 'holy cow' even on a blank level. the difference is that large immediately. 

luke hegeman

Very much appreciate you reaching out, and for the new instructions! crossed my fingers and it was quite the delightful surprise when it compiled. :)

  • Answered

Hey Luke,

thank your for your patience! The Cinematographer update is now live and the UE 5.0 guide updated. It should work now, if not please let us know!

  • Will be answered

Hey Luke,

thank you for getting in contact and making us aware of this issue.

We never had a problem with using Cinematographer in any version of UE5, but all members of the team had an IDE installed in all of our test cases. That could explain the difference. We will need to take a deeper look into the issue and will then update our guide on how to use Cinematographer in UE5. But for now we will hide the guide from our website. Sorry for your lost time in this process and again thank you for bringing it up. We are also glad to hear that you like using Cinematographer in UE4.

We will update this topics soon as we got a better workaround that actually works.