Cinematographer Feedback & Support


Discord Channel??

  • updated

does a plan to open Discord channel?

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  • Answer

Hey and thank you for your feedback! We decided this forum would be the best option for us to offer comprehensive support while also preserving answers for the future and keeping a searchable knowledge base. We want this knowledge to be in one easily searchable place and don’t want to split it onto different platforms. That’s why we are not planning a discord server at the moment. I hope that answers your question and thank you for your input!


Ah okay. I think the one valuable thing about a discord is that the community members can much more easily help each other. I find for most plugins that even if the dev is busy, having a one-stop shop to discuss issues with others who have been through the same thing is a really valuable addition. Perhaps this forum could act as a great support spot, but a discord could remain as a viable community channel? Anyway just a thought, and a +1 for that a discord channel would be valuable :)

Thanks for the quick response!

  • Answer

Hey and thank you for your feedback! We decided this forum would be the best option for us to offer comprehensive support while also preserving answers for the future and keeping a searchable knowledge base. We want this knowledge to be in one easily searchable place and don’t want to split it onto different platforms. That’s why we are not planning a discord server at the moment. I hope that answers your question and thank you for your input!


I second that! Would definitely be easier to use Discord like every other Unreal plugin :)