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5.1 update

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Hi guys and thanks for the great work so far. I know it's early days, but any idea when there will be a 5.1 compatible update of Pro? 

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Hey Phillippe, thanks for writing us. We already committed our update to Epic yesterday but they told us it could take a while on their end to compile. We hope it will be live soon and will give an update here, as soon as we get notified.


Hey, we decided to not support anamorphic for now. Read more about our reasoning in this thread. The short version is, that the current implementation from Epic for anamorphic is pretty lackluster and is not physically correct. But we want to implement anamorphic in the future, if a physically correct implementation is possible. For know you can just use the anamorphic features in Camera Component the same way you would with the default camera.

Davood Kharmanzar
Quote from lumines_labs

Good news, the 5.1 update is now online!

does it support anamorphic DOF on UE 5.1?

i mean does it have lens params of UE's CineCameraActor like as Squeeze Factor or Diaphragm Blade Count ? also Crop Settings too?



Good news, the 5.1 update is now online!

  • Answer
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Hey Phillippe, thanks for writing us. We already committed our update to Epic yesterday but they told us it could take a while on their end to compile. We hope it will be live soon and will give an update here, as soon as we get notified.