Cinematographer Feedback & Support


Anamorphic Support?

  • updated

Hi guys, love the plugin! I'm just wondering if you're planning to support the new anamorphic camera in Unreal 5.1? It would be amazing to try to replicate some sort of Lomo lens or something!

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  • Answer

Hey everyone, we wanted to give you an update on the current state of the anamorphic update. The sad news is - the current implementation of anamorphic in Unreal 5.1 is not complete and therefore an update from our end doesn’t make sense at this point. Let’s get a bit more into the details.

Real life Anamorphic footage has three distinct characteristics:

  • squeezed bokeh
  • stretched lens flares
  • lots of flares, unsharpness and other lens imperfections

The Problem is - Unreal 5.1 solves only one of these: squeezed bokeh. But lens flares are completely untouched and in general very basic in their implementation. While we could take care of the imperfections, since we already implemented most of them, we can’t fix the incorrect and lackluster implementation of the lens flare system.

With an anamorphic update, we would like to implement an easy to use toolset to create photorealistic, physically correct and convincing anamorphic lenses and setups. But since lens flares play such an integral part in the optics of anamorphic and with the un-stretched and much to be desired lens flare system in Unreal 5.1, we sadly had to decide that, at this point, we can’t include anamorphic in our pipeline, since it is neither physically correct nor convincing or photorealistic.

We are looking forward for future updates from Epic in this regard and hope, these will allow us to implement a fully fledged physically correct and photorealistic anamorphic system into Cinematographer in the future.

Until then you can always use the squeeze and de-squeeze settings provided by Epic in the RealCameraComponent and use what’s already there.

Again, we hope to revisit this topic in the future. Thank you for your time!

  • Answer

Hey everyone, we wanted to give you an update on the current state of the anamorphic update. The sad news is - the current implementation of anamorphic in Unreal 5.1 is not complete and therefore an update from our end doesn’t make sense at this point. Let’s get a bit more into the details.

Real life Anamorphic footage has three distinct characteristics:

  • squeezed bokeh
  • stretched lens flares
  • lots of flares, unsharpness and other lens imperfections

The Problem is - Unreal 5.1 solves only one of these: squeezed bokeh. But lens flares are completely untouched and in general very basic in their implementation. While we could take care of the imperfections, since we already implemented most of them, we can’t fix the incorrect and lackluster implementation of the lens flare system.

With an anamorphic update, we would like to implement an easy to use toolset to create photorealistic, physically correct and convincing anamorphic lenses and setups. But since lens flares play such an integral part in the optics of anamorphic and with the un-stretched and much to be desired lens flare system in Unreal 5.1, we sadly had to decide that, at this point, we can’t include anamorphic in our pipeline, since it is neither physically correct nor convincing or photorealistic.

We are looking forward for future updates from Epic in this regard and hope, these will allow us to implement a fully fledged physically correct and photorealistic anamorphic system into Cinematographer in the future.

Until then you can always use the squeeze and de-squeeze settings provided by Epic in the RealCameraComponent and use what’s already there.

Again, we hope to revisit this topic in the future. Thank you for your time!

paul hamblin

Fantastic! I think it'll be an amazing addition :).

  • Planned

Hey, thank you for your Question! We are super interested in Anamorphic setups and definitely plan to make a big Anamorphic update for Cinematographer in the future. Just to give you a heads up, this could take a bit to implement, since anamorphic is introducing a lot of new variables and calculations and we really want to make sure, everything we add is scientific and physically correct. But we are definitely looking forward to add the Anamorphic look and functionality to our plugin!