Cinematographer Feedback & Support


Camera alignment issue

  • updated
  • Answered

I've conducted 3 tests, 2 with the RealCamera and 1 with the Cine Cam. Basically after spending 2 days trying different methods with the RealCamera, I kept finding its "true position" is not aligned properly with the viewport it displays. I suspect there is a way to align the camera properly, but I have yet to find this setting. However this is where it gets interesting. I created the EXACT same scene several times, and once I installed the Plugin, it seemed to do something which would also have an impact on Unreal's Cine Camera (which is very interesting). I definitely see a strong reason to use this plugin, since I do see this saving a lot of time. So I will keep mucking with it over the next few weeks to see if I can figure out what's causing the camera to display out of alignment. I suspect this may be unique to my setup, since I'm not finding other's with this same issue. But I am posting this here in the off chance the creator of this plugin knows how to get the camera to render properly. This issue only occurs once you render, you get the camera to shift in a different direction. For instance I had a character lying on a bed. I faced the camera at his face and once I clicked render, it focused on his chest. 

  • Answered

Hey, we haven’t heard from you in a while and hope that means, that our reply answered your question. That’s why we close this ticket for now. If you are still looking for an answer, just post again and we will reopen the ticket and support you in finding an answer.

  • Under review

Hey Peter welcome aboard and thank you for getting in touch!

I’m sorry to hear that you are having problems in your setup!

Just upfront, the Cinematographer code can’t change the behaviour of Unreal Default cameras. Plugin code can only inherit and add but never change anything that’s coming with the default Unreal Engine install. Additionally the Cinematographer code does include anything about position or rotation of the camera, so that Cinematographer changes the cameras position/rotation seems very unlikely.

The only thing I could image, without any further information, is that the camera is a child of another object or in any other way connected to other objects or blueprints. Are you sure that is not the case? Can you reproduce the problem in a new empty scene with just the cameras?