Cinematographer Feedback & Support


Aperture setting unavailable

  • updated


When using the RC_Camera in a FPP blueprint the aperture setting is greyed out,

no matter whether Auto Exposure Mode is on or off.

Anything I'm doing wrong here?

  • Searching answer

Ok, great that you already tested it against a default camera!

Then I need more information about your setup. Did you replace the camera in the First Person BP? Could you send me a screenshot of your BP and the changes? And you are talking about recorded sequences - are you talking about the sequencer or a different tool? Please send me also a screenshot in which window the aperture is greyed out. More information is always helpful to reproduce your problem. 

Thank you!

lukas schulz

Hey, thanks for getting back to me.

No, I do in fact use a Cinema HighEnd Lens and Body, with Auto Exposure turned off,

attached to a capsule component in my player pawn blueprint.

Aperture can be adjusted on a CineCamera with identical settings for recording sequences, but like I said not when used as a player camera within a player blueprint.

  • Searching answer

Hey, thanks for getting in touch and welcome aboard!

Without knowing more information, my guess would be that you are using a camera with a lens, that has a fixed aperture. That is pretty common for very small lenses like action cameras, phones or drones. You can check, if that’s the case by trying it with a high end cinema camera. Then the aperture should be available. 

If that wasn’t the problem or you have any further questions, let us know!