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Sequencer Camera Cuts overexposed after setting realistic light values

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I have followed your tutorial of setting up Realistic lighting. My problem is that now the Camera Cuts in Sequencer are highly overexposed and only a blank white renders. I'm not sure how to go about setting up the Camera cuts so as to show the exact same image as within RealCameraActor.

I also can't see my scene at all when I've stopped piloting the RealCameraActor.

Any help would be appreciated thank you.

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Hey, yeah hopefully Epic will fix it soon. 

In the forum thread mentioned above someone said this:

"So installing the MovieRenderQueue plugin fixed the problem and seems to render what is in the viewport, even though the CameraCuts still look overexposed."

Maybe that can help you too. 

You are welcome and have a great weekend as well!


Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Have a great day.


Hi and thank you for getting back. 

Sorry for misunderstanding the problem in the first place! I know understand the problem and we were also able to reproduce it. We don't know yet, what's causing the problem and we need to thoroughly look into it.This may take a few days but be assured we are working on it and will get back to you as soon as we have a solution for it. 


Hi there. I'm not sure I understand. I'm not using the Cine Camera Actor or the Camera Actor. i'm using your plugins Real Camera Actor which was the first camera I placed in the scene. I the adjusted the Directional light as per your video and also set the necessary settings in the Post Process Volume set to unbound extent.

I then added the Real Camera Actor to the sequencer and set it as the Camera Cuts main viewing camera. 

The problem is that even though my exposure settings on the Camera and the Post Process Volume are correct the camera Cuts is still showing a white over exposed nothingness. When I render out the sequence the output is white. 


Great, that makes things easier.

If the Camera Actor or Cine Camera Actor are still overexposed you have to adjust the exposure in the cameras settings itself. The cameras have their own Post Process tab where you can use exactly the same settings as shown in the video for the Post Process Volume.

But now to the main question. There is no instant replace function or something similar. So it is the same as if you would want to change to a different default camera. Put the Real Camera in the same position and match the focal length with a fitting lens and then you have to add the Real Camera Actor exactly like a default camera to your Shot or Sequence and copy over the necessary Values and Keyframes. It’s a bit of mindless task but we did it for the whole of the meerkat demo in under 30 minutes.

I hope that clarifies things but feel free to ask if anything is still unclear.

Quote from lumines_labs

Hey again, the later part of the light tutorial video is showing how to fix the overexposure issue utilising a Post Process Volume. That should also fix the exposure in your sequencer cameras. If they are still overexposed you can use the same settings of the Post Process Volume in the default cameras settings to get better exposure. 
But it sounds like what you really want is to replace the default cameras with Cinematographer cameras. For that you can use the same Shots in the sequencer but you have to replace the cameras in the Shots with the new Cinematographer cameras. This process is pretty painless and easy. If you are new to the Sequencer and Shots, this documentation should help you adding the Cinematographer cameras.

I hope this information helps you, let us know if you have any further questions!

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately adjusting the Post Process volume only changes the exposure in the Editor. My Camera Cuts are still showing pure white over exposure. I have used cameras and sequencer since its inception, so do know how it works.

How do I go about getting the Camera Cuts to show the same as what the RealCameraActor is displaying when piloted?



Hey again, the later part of the light tutorial video is showing how to fix the overexposure issue utilising a Post Process Volume. That should also fix the exposure in your sequencer cameras. If they are still overexposed you can use the same settings of the Post Process Volume in the default cameras settings to get better exposure. 
But it sounds like what you really want is to replace the default cameras with Cinematographer cameras. For that you can use the same Shots in the sequencer but you have to replace the cameras in the Shots with the new Cinematographer cameras. This process is pretty painless and easy. If you are new to the Sequencer and Shots, this documentation should help you adding the Cinematographer cameras.

I hope this information helps you, let us know if you have any further questions!