Cinematographer Feedback & Support


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Hello. So I am a traditional filmmaker and very excited to use this plug in. So far it seems to be working well but I have a few questions.

- Why do it look flat? Does it render in a log colorspace?

- When I change camera setting, it doesn’t seem to change the image, thoughts?

- My renders seem super under exposed, any recommendations?

Are you planning to doing any tutorials for this plug in because as straight forward as it seems, there is way more happening here that needs to be understood?

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Hi and welcome. Thank you for getting in touch!

Lets get right into your questions:

    • My guess would be, that the Simulated Dynamic Range feature is causing a flat look. You can test it by disabling Simulated Dynamic Range in the Cinematographer Features at the bottom of your cameras settings. While this feature gives you a broader dynamic range than the default cameras it can look a bit flat without color correction. Alternatively to disabling Simulate Dynamic Range you could just add a bit of contrast enhancement as color grading. Therefore you you can select the Camera Component of your Camera and go to Post Process->Color Grading->Global->Contrast for more granular controls.

    • Changing your camera settings without changes to the image sounds odd. Could you post some screenshots so I could take a closer look on what is happening there? I would need to see the cameras settings as well as the viewport using it.

    • Your renders may seem under exposed, because often times the scenes/levels are underexposed. I don’t know what your setup is, but at daylight your Directional Light in the scene should have an Intensity value between 20.000 and 120.00 lux. Sadly some projects you can download are not using realistic light values but arbitrary ones. We are currently working on video tutorials on how to light projects realistically and fast.

I hope this information helps you. I’m curious to take a look at the screenshots and see what’s going on there.

And yes we are currently working on different video tutorials, first and foremost on the lighting guide. But what kind of tutorials are you looking for and what topics would help you the most? We are looking forward to your suggestions and are here to assist you if anything else is unclear.