Cinematographer Feedback & Support


Unreal 5.0 Preview Support Live! [Fixed]

  • updated

EDIT: Cinematographer Update 1.02 is now live, enabling full compatibility with Unreal 5.0 Preview 1. Please follow our UE 5.0 guide on our Documentation Website. We hope you enjoy Cinematographer in UE5 and are sorry for the delay. If you encounter any problems in the recompile process, please use this thread to get support. Thank you for using Cinematographer!


We just wanted to and give you a short and transparent update, on why the 5.0 support is not working yet.

First off, the core problem is, that the UE 5.0 is still in Preview, which means it is unstable and many things are changing on a regular basis. That’s also why the Marketplace does not support plugins for 5.0 yet.

We wanted to support 5.0 anyway, since we, like you, want the most out of Unreal.

So what’s the hold-up?

The first problem is, that you need to have a compiler installed. This process is pretty easy and requires just two downloads and a short install selection. This takes no more than 10 minutes.

The bigger and more complex problem is, that while we tested Cinematographer for months in 5.0, the newest 5.0 Preview build has some surprising code changes, that break compatibility. That means that even with a compiler installed, it won’t recompile, because we have to make code changes, to make Cinematographer work with the newest build.

Stuff like that is why 5.0 is in Preview and the Marketplace does not support plugins yet, there is just too much changing at the moment. But we are still eager to make Cinematographer accessible again in 5.0 as fast as possible and are working hard on a fix. We can’t commit to a date but be assured, we want the fix out as much as you do.

Hopefully that update sheds a light on the current situation and helps you understand why it takes a bit longer to resolve. We are sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience!