Cinematographer Feedback & Support


Crazy ISO settings requred to see an image

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Hi there,

I'm testing the Real Camera plugin against one of the Epic Australia scenes. I'm having to enter crazy ISO setting to get an image that isn't black. The settings that will give me a fairly dark image are:

Auto Exposure = Off

Shutter Mode = Movie

Aperture = 1.8

ISO = 3200 (max)

All the other cameras in the scene are behaving normally. I've tried turning off all applicable post process volumes. 

Is there anything obvious you think this might be?


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  • Answer
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Hi and thank you for getting in touch!

For Cinematographer to work as intended the project needs to feature physically correct lights and materials. Sadly the Rural Australia scene does not feature realistic light values. But that's pretty easy to fix.

Bright Sunlight has 110000 lux, so just enter that number into the directional lights Intensity.

If you encounter this problem again, use this handy graphic, to see how bright the lights should be, to be physically correct.

If the scenes uses a HDRI Skybox you may need to adjust that brightness as well.

We are working on a comprehensive guide on how to light a scene physically correct.

Hope that helps.

  • Answer
  • Answered

Hi and thank you for getting in touch!

For Cinematographer to work as intended the project needs to feature physically correct lights and materials. Sadly the Rural Australia scene does not feature realistic light values. But that's pretty easy to fix.

Bright Sunlight has 110000 lux, so just enter that number into the directional lights Intensity.

If you encounter this problem again, use this handy graphic, to see how bright the lights should be, to be physically correct.

If the scenes uses a HDRI Skybox you may need to adjust that brightness as well.

We are working on a comprehensive guide on how to light a scene physically correct.

Hope that helps.