Cinematographer Feedback & Support


Enable Look At Tracking is missing

  • updated
  • Fixed


I am setting up a tracking shot along a camera rail. However, unlike the CineCameraActor, for some reason the RealCameraActor has removed the 'Enable Look At Tracking' feature which makes it almost impossible to key out a tracked shot of e.g. a vehicle moving along a spline in my case, with a camera moving along a similar spline rail parallel.

Is it possible to turn on 'Look At Tracking' again with the RealCameraActor?

The photography functions are great, but I have had to resort to the default cameras due to issues with exposure and tracking.


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  • Answer
  • Fixed

Cinematographer 1.06 is now online and available for download. This update added Look At Tracking back into the UI. You will find it at the bottom of the Details view of an every Cinematographer Camera.

  • Planned

Hey, welcome aboard and thank you for your feedback!

We will enable Look At Tracking in the upcoming update!

For now and as a workaround, you can use an Unreal Default Camera that Tracks the object and use a Cinematographer camera as a child to use as recording camera. Sorry for the inconvenience and we hope we will have an update soon!


Great! Do you have an ETA on upcoming releases or a trello or something which shows what's in the pipeline?

Thanks for your prompt reply!


There is currently no such feature but we will consider it for the future! We can’t say for sure, when the next update will be released since we are still working on a sequencer fix, that is rather complicated. But we can assure you, we are working on the patch as fast as we can and the next update will include the Look At Tracking. Thank you for your input!

  • Fixed

We've just uploaded the update that includes Look At Tracking. Epic should make it available early next week. Thank you for your patience!

  • Answer
  • Fixed

Cinematographer 1.06 is now online and available for download. This update added Look At Tracking back into the UI. You will find it at the bottom of the Details view of an every Cinematographer Camera.


Thank you! How does one update for an existing project?


Sorry for the late reply! In the Epic Games Launcher under your installed Engine Version is a button “Installed Plugins”. There you can update Cinematographer and it should then be automatically updated in your project.